little white unadded worms!!!!


Fish Addict
May 11, 2004
Reaction score
new jersey
Well they spawned yesterdaystarted around 9:00AM and i saw them embrace about 50 times and at least 200 eggs are in the nest, but the male is a known fry eater so i pulled him before they hatched this time and now eggs are falling out and i can see a bunch hanging in the nest and sitting on the gravel will they hatch ok?

Wou, Wish you good luck. Better let the male do his job. If he is eating the eggs, there must be something with the eggs or maybe he is too hungry. Feed him good everyday so he will not eating the eggs. I have a giant plakat. He wants to eat food after done embrancing the female. And everyday in the babies tank, I have to feed him full meal. :) He never eat the eggs or the frys. Basically the first batch some eat the eggs. But later on continuing breeding like next time, they stop eating the eggs. Then you have to siffon the rotten eggs out. :p
put a little meth blue if you have any, just a hint like a couple of small drips of the stuff, you will reduce the hatching by not letting dad do his job who's to say he would do the same this will have to watch for fungus eggs and get them out as it will affect them all.... :(
well, if something bad happens AGAIN at least i have a pair of them that are willing to breed. this is my largest batch though. The pair were in bettamax which i actually think hleped induce spawning so that should help prevent fungus i would believe, i think i used my meth up but ill go to the lps soon. all of the eggs are white-offwhite the green water makes them look different, but what would it look like if it had fungus? woulde it be fuzzy?
yes you will see the fungus if they are going o hatch they will go clear and not stay will get some if they are fertile i have had to do this as i had an egg eater, and he was old so this was my last chance it was not as big a spawn as your only 50 eggs i had ten fry.......... :D
well, some of the eggs are starting to get bigger and some are kind of uncurling and they have clear parts. i forget what it means when the eggs start to shake or tremble though.
ive artificially hatched eggs b4 when i saw the male starting to eat the eggs i moved him out and got a syringe added abit of air tubeing on the end and when the eggs fell to the floor i would suck them up n put the air tube in the nest and the eggs fall back in to the nest.
i got a very good hatch that way 100 pluss fry
there arent many maybe 20, but they look good :D . there were alot of unhatched eggs. think i will leave the male in next time
why are there little white worms? about _ big crawling/ swimming in the tank? i didnt add any food and they degffinatly are not like micro worms. should i be worried?

What are they? i saw like 2 but im guessing theres more :S :blink: :look:
its all the un hatched eggs has caused planeria no dont worry they will eventually get eaten by the fish...
Yeah, I was worried about the worms too. I made a post about it and people said it's common is cycled tanks and the babies will eat them. I have have at least 50 babies. :kana: I have not been losing them. If you really want to see lots of worms, put a magnifying glass up to the tank. That's how I noticed mine. Plus it's a good way to inspect the babies. HEHE. Mine are only a week and a half old and they already have different eye colors. :wub: IF babies make it, when they are old enough to show color, I'll post some pics. (I have to borrow a friends cam) Good luck w/your babies!! :D

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