Little tyre track eel is a pig!


Fish Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
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I have had this little eel for nearly 3 weeks now, I have noticed some growth but he is probably still short of 5 inches.

I wanted to start him on something besides bloodworms, and he won't touch non-live foods. LFS suggested baby guppies, like ok.

The goldfish is a little slow in catching them (he is not much of a hunter, either) but I think he did manage to snag one or two. Well, I put all 10 in and after eating a few my tyre track's belly is just HUGE!!

There are still four left, but he is now stalking them at the top of the tank, where they are behind the filter.

Should I allow him to continue trying to feed, or is there danger in allowing him to do so? I am hoping he will take a break until at least tomorrow. Thanks.
...LFS said that he probably wouldn't be happy until he killed them all, but should be all right. I have open ears, if you have any comments or experiences you'd like to share :)
I don't think theres any danger of him over feeding. Although I would put him on to a better diet of live bloodworms, daphnia and other such foods, once he is eating well then you can move to frozen foods. The first hurdle with spiny eels is to get them feeding, and at first it can often be a case of finding a food that suits the fish you have, however, in almost all cases this is a form of live food. But with time you can substitute this with frozen foods.
OK I've had my fire eel for almost a year now and he loves nothing more than a nice meal of shrimp. Live ghost shrimp are good as well as MYSIS, largers species I would try and feed cocktail shrimp (you know sit there one for you and one for the eel). Oh and I wouldn't worry about overeating eventually he will realize that he can't fit anymore and will wait until he "empties" himself.
Wait a minute... you had him feeding on bloodworms, but switched him to feeders? :huh: I would avoid feeders, though ghost shrimp as suggested are a good choice, as are chopped eathworms or "red wrigglers" (which are essentially small nightcrawlers). :)
Well, its great to here u got him eating already. Mine didnt for a month. :X But now i got him hooked on bloodworms. :p

Live garden worms are great too. Especially if u have a worm farm handy.
Black_Ghost_Guy said:
Wait a minute... you had him feeding on bloodworms, but switched him to feeders? :huh:  I would avoid feeders, though ghost shrimp as suggested are a good choice, as are chopped eathworms or "red wrigglers" (which are essentially small nightcrawlers). :)
I went back to the LFS where I had originally purchased the eel to get more bloodworms. When they were brought out to me I noticed the water was cloudyish and smelled funny, I said "No thanks" and left.

There are not many places to choose from where I live, I stopped into a new one and all she had that I could use at the time were teeny guppies. I ordered some tiny mealworms (I know, chop or mash its head first, eew). It was kind of interesting seeing him hunt the guppies, not in a sadistic way but in that he actually hid from view at times, which he never does. He is always swimming around in the tank, very friendly.

I am a little reluctant to buy worms from a bait/tackle shop, and the ground is frozen now.

I know feeders aren't the best thing for him, when he is a little bigger I will move him onto ghost/glass shrimp too. (I am seriously considering growing my own live food.)

He has been a great eater from day one, as long as what I give him is not "nonlive" or previously frozen. I would like to have him on a variety of foods, if he will be so willing.
Never get your own worms! That is a perfect way to kill off all of your fish, and bait shops almost always have safe worms that have been farmed... Also, why not just get some frozen bloodworms, thaw them, put them in a baster, and squirt them infront of your spiny eel to make it look as though they are living? :huh: I very much doubt that he will the difference between previously frozen and live bloodworms... :unsure:
I have always goten my own worms. But not from the ground. From my worm farm. Havnt you eva head of a worm farm before? I didnt mean buy them from a tackle store. Worm farms are for the recycling of wastes and act just like compost bins. Or has explaining this made me look like a complete bafoon? :*)

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