Little Plecos Bn

Youd think that but they dont have any yet? one larger one has small bristles buut im told females have bristles also but smaller than the males' bristles
when do they start growin bristles

Youd think that but they dont have any yet? one larger one has small bristles buut im told females have bristles also but smaller than the males' bristles
when do they start growin bristles
Maybe this will help.

Male and female Bristlenose Catfish are easily distinguishable. The males have an elaborate array of branched and forked tentacles on the head and around the upper jaw. The females have tentacles, too, but they are arranged in a neat row around the mouth and are not nearly as prominent.

I've never had a female only males.

Click the link and look at the images of the female and male.
its not possible to sex when young unless they grow bristles then u know it will probs be a male, but even if some dont when young doesnt mean they arent male as they still could turn into one.
awsome i have older ones but i bought them when they were adults so i dont know when they mature
They grow pretty fast. I measured my bn 1 and a half months ago and he was 2 inches.

Now he's three.
He's growing fast which means i'm feeding correctly.

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