Little Millie


Fish Aficionado
Feb 14, 2005
Reaction score
Near Madison, WI
Millie's done w/her tetracycline treatment - she's still in the hospital tank.
The columnaris she had seems to be disappearing - in fact, the entire grey area that spread across her head has now turned back to dark like the rest of her. I gave her a water change last night and dosed her for the last time w/tetracyc. But.. she doesn't really seem to be interested in eating much. She will take one pellet then spit it out, look at the rest and swim away. She did eat bloodworms lastnight but no pellets. She's also pretty sluggish - she doesn't really frantically swim around like she did in the big tank. BUT, I don't know if that's cuz of an illness or because she's lonely.

I'm not sure if I dare to put her back in the big tank just yet for a couple of reasons - 1. I have heard that columnaris requires a double treatment - anyone else heard this or had to do this? 2. I don't know if she's just depressed and misses her girly pals.

There is nothing else physically wrong with her - she looks great.

Even if you don't do another treatment, I would definitely quarantine her for another week or so. Columnaris is a nasty disease that you DO NOT want your other fish to get. :no: IMO, it would be a good idea to treat her again just to make sure. Not necessarily with Tetracycline, maybe with something milder, like Maracyn. :thumbs:
I agree with the other post, as sometimes it looks like the desease has gone, then stop the treatment back again it is, always best to go abit longer just to make sure it has gone, good luck, feed her some peas as sometimes antibiotics can cause constipation.

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