Little Introduction


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score
lanarkshire, Scotland
Thought I'd introduce myself for those of you who don't already know me :D

I've been keeping fish now for quite a few years, and the number of fish tanks has gradually increased to include a few different fish ;) My main tank is a planted discus tank which is home to some lovely blue diamonds, orange pigeon bloods and blue turqs. I have a number of other planted tanks aswell, they're very addictive, lol.
At the moment I breed betta splendens, which is the main reason I have sooo many tanks, lol..................they keep my really busy but it's well worth the effort :wub: I also breed Endlers (very easy, lol), and goldfish (coments & fantails) so I'm always on the go with water changes and feds :D
I have a variety of other fish aswell, but I'd be here for ages to list them all :p

Well I just thought I'd say hello to everyone and look forward to getting to know everyone :D
Ksam :D

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