Little help please!


Fish Crazy
Feb 11, 2003
Reaction score
Houston, Tx, USA
I have a new 10 gal. planted aquarium. I have 10 Cardinal Tetras, 7 snails and 4 cherry shrimp. I looked this morning and found what looked like a white growth on a leaf. Upon closer inspection, I saw many small eggs in it and was wondering who it could belong to. I hope it is either the shrimp or Tetras. :fun: It is very stiffly stuck on to the leaf and appears to be a sack of them. I found one on the underside of a leaf earlier but didn't see it, only felt it, and I destroyed it. I had a problem with insufficient light (the problem is fixed now) and was pruning the dead leaves off my Ozelot Sword. I thought it was decaying material (I really don't know what I was thinking) and scraped it off and scooped it up. It was kind of a jelly like substance and was clear/white. Any clues as to what kind of "fishie" will be coming out is appreciated.
sorry cf I wouldn't bet on any fishes coming out.... money would be on snails.... ;) :nod:

I once had snails and it will stay only once. The little tiny black ones... they should quit saying breeds like rabbits and start saying breeds like snails. I started with 4 or so and within just a few months it seemed I was scooping them up and giving them to a friend with an Oscar. They not only took over my tank but even with Oscars and al his Highly agressive fish took over his also. I had to actually get rid of every last one. Seems the things could be a sexual. (JK)
Anyway, Never had the larger snails so don't know if they do the same or not but scared to find out.

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