Little Gold Ram


Fish Crazy
May 8, 2004
Reaction score
Perth, Western Australia
I just brought home 2 gold rams and 2 blue rams(see signiture)........ My 1 gold ram witch was from a different shop to the other is always alone behind my bubble stone and not swimming round even to eat. Why? It was alone in it's tank when i bought it and only like a few mm smaller than the other. :blink: :unsure: :dunno:
You might want to reduce the number of fish in the tank before you get more, severum + other fish in a 20 gallon tank = trouble.

Adding more fish is making it worse for you and your fish
Doggfather said:
You might want to reduce the number of fish in the tank before you get more, severum + other fish in a 20 gallon tank = trouble.

Adding more fish is making it worse for you and your fish
look at my sig doggy! I sold them, :p
i like silvas tank now,
now i dont have to worry about his fish cuz they all look happy to me and they dont look scared like his firemouths used to be
the signiture is still showing firemouths, severum


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