Little fish, big tank…

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Magnum Man

Supporting Member
Tank of the Month 🏆
Fish of the Month 🌟
Jun 21, 2023
Reaction score
Southern MN
Curious how many out there have little fish in bigger tanks??? And what are your setups

Because of the hard water in my area, I’ve never been able to keep tetras, since the addition of RO water, now I actually have 2 larger tanks, with smaller fish, that I’ve never been able to do, in the 15-20 years of fish keeping, I’ve done over the years… and I’m enjoying them more than I ever expected ( I’d always been a “big fish” guy previously )…
one 45 gallon tall, with African tetras, and one 55 gallon, with South American tetras… on the African tank, the fish are harder to find, and more expensive, fortunately they all get along, and mix school, as I mostly have 3 of each variety… there are no larger “tank bosses” in the African tank… the South American tank, being bigger/ longer, and the fish being more available, and cheaper, I’ve been able to do larger schools… right now there are 14-16 Rummy’s, in a big “cloud”, and 5-6 other varieties, that, in this tank, I typically buy groups of 6 or so… this tank does have a bigger “tank boss”, a blue zebra lace angel, and there are 6 dwarf cichlids… that fortunately or not, seem to be the same sexes, between species, so not a lot fighting going on… plus about the 40 or so tetras… lots of cover, and plant roots exposed… both tanks are a bit over crowded, but also over filtered, highly oxygenated, and highly planted…
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Can the African tetras tolerate a higher GH than the South American tetras? I read that some of the more peaceful West African cichlids work well with Congo tetras. Since you mix RO water with your well water, what’s your final GH?
African tetras can live in the same water as their American relatives. They're softwater fish.

I have a 120 gallon, 6 foot tank with tetras and Corys. The size lets me see things I have never seen in smaller tanks - how groups form up, how some species like shade better than sun, and vice versa. Black neons, which were never surface oriented in 20 gallons, have two shoals, one of 8 and one grouplet of 4, always staying high.

The 120 has quite a few species of SA tetras.

In one 75, I have a group of breuseghami tetras (Congo River) in with a dwarf Cichlid (Chroimidotilapia nana) and a few male F. nigerianus. Again, lots of room.
The other 75 has a Nannacara adoketa male and a few rainbows.
@gwand ... I'm currently running straight RO, in water changes, and not blending any minerals... yet... I realize at some point, I may need to either blend well water, or add minerals... but the tanks in my main group are all soft water fish, & the African Tetras, are most all Congo River system fish, so all are soft water

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