Little Bit Of Stocking Advice/help For My 125 Gallon Please!


New Member
May 18, 2012
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I have a 6 foot 125 gallon (473L) aquarium. It has sand and lots of driftwood.. soon there will be much more plants. Going for the biotype-ish look.
Right now I have
3 Gouramis (One male 3 spot, one female gold, and one female opaline)
7 Angelicus Loaches (Soon to be 10... really love these guys!)
10 Long-finned Rosy Barbs (All female but two)
1 dwarf albino bristlenose pleco (I think I want to keep this guy alone)

What else should I get?? how many angelicus botia would be okay for this tank and still be okay with what I currently have? What are the best low maintenance plants to have?

The dimensions are 72in long and 18in wide (and maybe two feet tall if I had to guess).
I would recommend peppered cory, I have them in my 125l tank
Theres loads of options, More Gouramis, Most Barbs, Rasbora, Badis and Loaches will work. For the maybe a type of Mystus, Akysis or Bumblebee catfish. I think a big shoal of Kryptopterus minor would look stunning.

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