Little bit of problem


New Member
Mar 22, 2004
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:-( Ok My tank has been running for about a week before I got the fish yesterday, and the temp has been stable, now that I have the fish and the light is on the temp keeps rising, I have turned the heater down but it doesn't matter. Do I leave the light on during the day or only in the evening and night have it on, or on all the time? Plus they are bulbs not flouescent which I will get soon, but for now I don't want to burn them up. Also they seem to be very hungry everytime I am in there messing with the therometer (and well while I'm not in there) the Oranda goes to the top a lot, well they all do, but when I fed them this morning they acted like they haven't eaten in years. I just got them yesterday and I think I might be feeding them not enough, but I don't want to overfeed. I give them about a pinch of flakes.
Sorry to be a bother, I just don't want to kill them.
Hi Mondaine :)

I'm going to move your thread to the Beginners forum where you will get the help you need. :nod:

However, I suggest that you check the wattage of the bulbs in your hood. I think they come in 15 watt, 25 watt, and 40 watt. If you have the higher wattages, that might be the problem with overheating. Actually, 15 watts will give you all the light you really need, and will be less stressful to the fish.

More important, however, is that your tank is cycling and you must give it special care during this process. Please read this article and then ask questions. We've all been through this and will be happy to help you get through it, too. :D
Incandescent bulbs can throw off a tremendous amount of heat even in a couple of hours they can raise the temp several degrees if they are very close to the water. Like inch worm said check the wattage on the bulbs and reduce if possible. If you cannot reduce the wattage right now then only turn on the light when you wish to view the fish as this is a fish only tank(the fish do not need the light) the light is basically so you can see them when the light in the room is dim ie morning or evening.
Also is the aquarium in any direct sunlight? If so try to move or shade it during the period when it is exposed to the sunlight.
Also they seem to be very hungry everytime I am in there messing with the therometer (and well while I'm not in there) the Oranda goes to the top a lot, well they all do, but when I fed them this morning they acted like they haven't eaten in years. I just got them yesterday and I think I might be feeding them not enough, but I don't want to overfeed. I give them about a pinch of flakes.

In my (limited) experience, fish learn very quickly that humans = food and will "beg" for it every single time you get near the tank. Do not feel bad for them, especially during the initial cycle. If you feed them once every other day until the tank is cycled, they'll generate less ammonia that will accumulate and be harmful to them. So don't give in to their little guilt trips! ;)

Good luck with your new tank!! :thumbs:
I agree with all of the above statements.
Something to note also that high temps. increase metabolic rate of fish, so they will become more active and probably be a little hungier than would be expected. Don't be tempted however to overfeed to compensate, this will pollute the water. al I can say is apply common sense and you won't go too far wrong.
Arent goldfish cold water fish? Thats means that they should be fine without a heater at all, just the room temperature of your house should be sufficient I would think. I dont think a couple degrees swing would bethat hard of a goldfish, just think of the ones in outdoor ponds, I can change from 85 degrees during the day to 50 degrees at night, and the water temp has to change at least 10 degrees, probably more......
I have to agree with modernhamlet, I wouldn't worry too much about the fish starving.

If I fed my fish (particular angels) every time they "seemed hungry", I bet they'd eat until they exploded. :)

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