Little Bit Odd, Should I Be Worried?


New Member
Nov 15, 2009
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I have a 220 litre tank, canister filter all water conditions perfect, with three Ryukins. For the last two nights I've noticed an hour or so after feeding lots of debrie floating around the tank. I'm concerned my one of my fish my have digestive problems. They get a mixed diet, three days a week TetraFin Gold Japan sinking sticks, three days shelled peas and one day frozen blood worms. They're fed once a day and will normally have consumed the whole lot within a few minutes. There have been no changes in this diet for over a year.

I have had a couple of problems with parasites. The newest fish brought a tick like parasite in on one of his fins. I mangaed to knocked it off gentley with my finger and for about a month he has been completely clear. Tonight however, I noticed a similar looking tick on a different fish. Could these parasites be in the water and causing harm? How can i irradiact them? The are browny grey, with a clearish circular shape arounf narrow bodies. They can swim freely in water (as evidenced by the one I removed in a seperate bucket)and are about 1/2 cm diameter.
It's a fish louse by the sounds of things you need to remove them asap, there are various meds that can kill them but you need to do your research first, a pic will help us to positively id this critter for you but sounds very much like a louse.
I've googles fish louse and that's the little #29### on my fish!

I added salt to the water when I noticed the first louse, when a month had gone by with out nay sighting I assumed it was a one of. I shall increase the % of salt to 3% but does anyone know of a treatment to clear the lice out for good? The internet is not throwing up any ideas.
Also, I use the same gravel syphon on my Cichlid tank as I do my Ryukins, can this transfer the infection? Should I treat my cichlid tank prophylaciticly?
Ok, now one of the little pests is on one of my boy's gills! I've tried to knocked it off but with no luck as I was being ultra gentle. It's looking quite blood shot. I've found a shop that has a louse treatment but the guy thinks it'll only really kill eggs and youg lice - How can I get this big one? Please help!

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