Little Betta Question


Fish Addict
Dec 27, 2005
Reaction score
Land of The Shining Corn
Hi Everybody, I got a little bitty guy over the weekend and have a question regarding his care. He's so little that he couldn't seem to manage the Hikari pellets I tried to feed him so I went to flake food crumbled up. The question is how much to give him? He's swimming back and foth back and forth so is extremely active and came with a very hearty appetite. I don't want to overfeed but want to give him enough to grow on at the same time. Thanks alot in advance!
Just crush up 4-5 pellets, much easier to measure out...just measure before you crush :nod:.
If you can feed your Betta with Blood Worms, Tubiflex, Daphnia, Baby Brine Shrimp, Mosquito Larvae he will definitely love it and he will grow faster.

If not ordinary pellets will do just like what SRC's advice, crush the pellets... goodluck !
You could try HBH Betta Bites, they're granules that are smaller than hikari pellets. Something even smaller, and softer to eat would be freeze dried Daphnia.

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