Little Beasties


Fish Fanatic
Jul 9, 2007
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England, Manchester
Has anyone ever looked at their water from their tank through a microscope. I tried it with my tropical tank and there was a few little things buzzing round its amazing wat u can find. I looked at pond water through a microscope at college and there was tons of stange looking biesties eating each other. I cant wait to try it on my marine tank when i get it wondering whether enyone else has done this and do you think it would prove water quality and how mature the tank is especialy with marine.
I daren't. I've swallowed enough tank water from syphoning. I don't wanna think about all the little bugs I've consumed, along with all the fish poop too :sick:
I'm with AK77 on that! however I think we have all been I would def like to see it tho. maybe than I would get better at syphoning instead of drinking! cool post.
dont worry, just think about your stomach acid that has a ph of 0 burning all that life, muahahahahaha, it will be the ph shock of the century.
lol i never realy thought about the siphoning thing. but i did feel guilty about throuwing away the water on the slide so i put it back in the tank ( :lol: lol how sad am i :lol: )

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