Litres To Gallons


Jan 21, 2008
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wat is every body using when they say 10 gallon tank for example?
are they talkin imperial gallons or us gallons?
which is most comonly used???? :good: :good:
Since a lot of people here are from UK, I bet it is half and half here lol. I put the conversion of mine in my sig! But mine is 20 US Gallons. Though I wish it was 20 UK gallons! Gives just a bit more volume! lol
I use litres coz I'm up to date, the rest of you are still using an antiquated system :)
Use litres(metric) or someone will tell the law that your using gallons(imperial) and you'll get in trouble lol
I use US gallons because the tanks I can buy are rated in those units. If I walk into my LFS and tell them I want a 208 litre tank they won't know what I want. If I ask for a 55 gallon they will turn and point at one. They are the same exact tank but only one size will register with the folks who sell them here. I would guess its the same in the UK. If you ask for something in gallons, nobody will know what you want but if you ask for a 240 litre tank they can point right at it. Why fight the units they use in the stores where you shop?

Edit: I never spell it right the first time
Litres and USG are both pretty common on this forum. UKG I hear less. Just google the size tank "in gallons" or "in litres" (whatever you want to find out.)
We mostly use US gallons because otherwise it confuses the American members :p

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