Lists Of Compatible Fish


New Member
Jun 25, 2008
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Hi ,I am setting up my first Tropical fish tank and wondered if members could give a selection of fish that are compatible with each other.Thanks.

I've seen some lists like that here on the forum, definately some "10-gallon" lists and others but I'm not sure exactly where they are. Threre is a search tool... (fish list, ideal, compatible ... might be good terms to try as a start... also at the bottom of any given thread the forum software will have already found several other threads with similar words in the topic.)

If you start a thread over in "New to the Hobby", people will help and you might want to mention the tank size of course.

:good: Thanks for that,Ifounf a thread with a site that has the info I need.I have another question,can I use black sand as a substrate?

I've seen some lists like that here on the forum, definately some "10-gallon" lists and others but I'm not sure exactly where they are. Threre is a search tool... (fish list, ideal, compatible ... might be good terms to try as a start... also at the bottom of any given thread the forum software will have already found several other threads with similar words in the topic.)

If you start a thread over in "New to the Hobby", people will help and you might want to mention the tank size of course.

Both sand, and black can be good things in a freshwater tropical setup but you need to be careful to get sand that is pure and clean enough for aquarium use. There're plenty of members that can help with this. Playsand is clean and cheap and popular but is not black of course. If you are thinking of raising live plants later, there are some good black substrates available from Seachem but they will be more expensive than plain sand. Be careful of things meant for salt tanks - not that they can't be ok but you need to check it out first. Black, btw, is a great background to help bring out the colors in various fish.

Hello there,

I would also be careful if you are using a HOB filter, because the sand grains can get sucked up into the filter and ruin it for you (causes horrible noises). Just a heads up!
Hello there,

I would also be careful if you are using a HOB filter, because the sand grains can get sucked up into the filter and ruin it for you (causes horrible noises). Just a heads up!

You can use a HOB (aka power) filter with sand as long as you make sure the intake (the long tube inside of the tank) is a few inches above the sand. :good:
Hello there,

I would also be careful if you are using a HOB filter, because the sand grains can get sucked up into the filter and ruin it for you (causes horrible noises). Just a heads up!

You can use a HOB (aka power) filter with sand as long as you make sure the intake (the long tube inside of the tank) is a few inches above the sand. :good:

And always turn the filter off before cleaning the tank or disturbing the sand.

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