Listless Male Guppy


New Member
Aug 26, 2012
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I have had this female guppy for a very long time. I decided at one point that I was ready to breed her so I bought her a male companion. They seemed to get along fine for the most part. However, I noticed how she would occasionally nip at him and small tears were beginning to form in her tail. She was her happy self however, swimming around and did not seem to bothered by him. I read about how there should be a ratio of at least 2 females to one male so I bought another girl to occupy him so that he wouldn't torment her as much. I bought the new fish and at first all seemed fine. My boy stopped annoying my girl. However, my two female guppies go at it like you wouldn't believe and my male guppy has become completely listless. He won't eat and lays on the bottom of the tank swimming up to move around only every now and again. He doesn't seem sick. He just seems to have no energy. Meanwhile the two girls hang out at the top swimming around and circling one another. They don't bite now and seem to get along well after I added some stress coat to the water. But what really is worrying me is my poor little male guppy. Usually he is so energetic. And now he's just not. Is this just a side effect of there now being a healthy ratio? Is is something bigger going on here? Please help!
hmm sounds strange indeed.
well water parameters are a good start.
Water Paramus are all good. Changed my tank not even three days ago.

New problem though. Two of my three fish I found dead at the bottom of the tank today, the listless male and the new girl. I've suspected that the girl fish that I've had for a long time is pregnant. Her Gavin's spot is darker and she's much rounder than usual. I've heard or pregnant fish murdering other fish in the tank as a maternal instinct. Same thing happened to my friend. The boy was hiding from her probably and the girl was competing for dominance in the tank. Is this a viable explanation or is there a better one? I plan on changing my tank after soccer just to be sure. Anything else?
The two dead fish had clearly been attacked so it was definitely her. The girl had a red wound near her fin area and the male had a couple of them. The question is why?
exact water params?
female guppies dont have paternal instincts,they eat there young after there born IE.could you post a pic of the female? ive never heard of a agressive female but this does  sound like a mosquito fish female heres a pic. these are very agressive and often kill each other in home aquaria.
Guppies have a hierarchy and don't generally harass each other to death, they are peaceful fish.  They will chase each other to organize their ranks or ward off annoying fish (like a persistent male).
A pregnant guppy will not kill other fish.  Usually between guppies you will get little more than some minor fin nipping.  I've kept guppies with platies and neons and they have only ever nipped each other and not other fish.
I am thinking it is rather likely that your new male arrived ill, or perhaps the new female.
Are there any other symptoms?  Like stringy white poop, loss of appetite, do the fish seem to quickly rub or flick against objects in the tank? 
No. The fish seemed fine before they died. Now that they are dead the girl is acting like she always has. The water temperature is 78 degrees and the filter is functioning properly. The pH is 7.0
I'm not a hundred percent sure how to post a picture. She looks somewhat similar to the picture you posted. She's "blonde" though and she has a red tail.
She's somewhat smaller than the fish you posted and doesn't have the black dot. Ever since she's been pregnant she's been chubbier too
Should I still try to change the water. Last time I changed a pregnant fish's water she got really stressed and jumped for it. Would that be too much stress for a future mother? Should I give it a day until things calm down?

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