Listless Clown Pleco Only Moving When Poked

Platy lover

Oct 21, 2011
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my clown pleco is listless and he only moves when I poke him. The ammonia is .25, Ph, 6.5, and nitrates is 20. I am trying to get the ammonia down to 0 but its hard and thats not the problem since he already survived one ammonia spike before. Is there any way to save him? :-(
It could be that his gills were already damaged from the first ammonia spike.

All you can do practically, is a massive water change (leave just enough water for the fish to swim upright) and hope for the best.

I hope the little chap pulls through :(
It could be that his gills were already damaged from the first ammonia spike.

All you can do practically, is a massive water change (leave just enough water for the fish to swim upright) and hope for the best.

I hope the little chap pulls through :(
I did an 80% water change ad he is resting infront of his driftwood. The thing that made me look to see if he was ok is him not hiding.
Was that ammonia reading before or after the wc? I don't know what else to suggest really :(
Was that ammonia reading before or after the wc? I don't know what else to suggest really :(
The ammonia was 0.25 and now its finally gone down to 0 thank god. So hopefully its just depression...o_O Do fish even get depressed?
I don't think so...

Fish normally try and disguise the fact they're sick, it doesn't sound too good, tbh. I'd just leave him in the dark till morning and hope for the best :-(
I don't think so...

Fish normally try and disguise the fact they're sick, it doesn't sound too good, tbh. I'd just leave him in the dark till morning and hope for the best :-(
Well if he survives until the morning I would think he will be in the clear. I put more stress coat in the aquarium hoping it helps. I know they live to be 18 years old so I will be sad if he dies because of my neglect.

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