List of fish in my lfs


Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
Reaction score
Cardiff, Wales, UK (not australia)
neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, head and tail light tetras, guppies, platies, mollies, neon dwarf gouramis, three spotted gouramis, moonlight gourami, lace gourami, honey gourami, red gourami, corydoras (pandas, albino etc.), bettas, glow light tetra, penguin tetras, lemon tetras, blind cave tetras, angelfish, barbs (tiger, green tiger, albino etc.) ass/platies, kissing gourami, fire tetras, clown loaches, bleeding heart tetras, swordtails, danios, giant danios, silver tip tetras, sarpae's

That's all I can Remember at the moment, which of these would go well with my
6x neons
6x gold barbs

I was going to go for some neon dwarf gouramis, maybe some blind cave tetras, some guppies, honey gouramis, lemon tetras, glow light tetras, not sure though
What size is the tank? How long has it been running?

Clown loaches, angels and kissing gouramis need a large tank. Blind cave fish get fairly large and can be semi-aggressive and may pose a problem to small fish.

The others look fine but nearly all bar the gouramis need to be in shoals.
also wonmdered, the front of my tank is starting to get a little dirty, not sure if it's algae or whatever but is there any fish that will clean the algae or dirt off the screen?
There are fish that will eat algae like otos and brislenoses but there are noone that will eat dirt.

You wil have to do more maintenence if your tank is getting too dirty. Do you use a gravel cleaner? What is the 'dirt' like? It could be algae whish is normal in small amounts. More then I'd expect there to be a problem with NitrAte or phosphate.

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