Fish Crazy
neon tetras, harlequin rasboras, head and tail light tetras, guppies, platies, mollies, neon dwarf gouramis, three spotted gouramis, moonlight gourami, lace gourami, honey gourami, red gourami, corydoras (pandas, albino etc.), bettas, glow light tetra, penguin tetras, lemon tetras, blind cave tetras, angelfish, barbs (tiger, green tiger, albino etc.) ass/platies, kissing gourami, fire tetras, clown loaches, bleeding heart tetras, swordtails, danios, giant danios, silver tip tetras, sarpae's
That's all I can Remember at the moment, which of these would go well with my
6x neons
6x gold barbs
I was going to go for some neon dwarf gouramis, maybe some blind cave tetras, some guppies, honey gouramis, lemon tetras, glow light tetras, not sure though
That's all I can Remember at the moment, which of these would go well with my
6x neons
6x gold barbs
I was going to go for some neon dwarf gouramis, maybe some blind cave tetras, some guppies, honey gouramis, lemon tetras, glow light tetras, not sure though