List Of Fish-based Tv Shows/programs


Fish Addict
Jan 15, 2012
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Walsall, UK
Seen a couple of fish and aquarium related TV shows lately, more than I've realised before so I thought with the help of you guys and girls we could put a list together of UK and US TV shows. Leave entries below :D


Fish Tank Kings - National Geographic Channel


Great Barrier Reef - Eden & BBC 2


Tanked - Animal Planet (Discovery Channel)

to be honest if you value and love your fish i would strongly reccomend to not watch fish tank kings, their blatant disregard for welfare is a disgrace
to be honest if you value and love your fish i would strongly reccomend to not watch fish tank kings, their blatant disregard for welfare is a disgrace
I like seeing their designs but I do know what you mean sometimes they mess it up. Like 100+ cichlids in a way-to-small tank
Ahhh Ross you watched last weeks then lol.
to be honest if you value and love your fish i would strongly reccomend to not watch fish tank kings, their blatant disregard for welfare is a disgrace
Tanked does the same thing, but the shows are still nice to see the tanks they make and the types of fish that exist
The trouble is they most of the time they are building for high profile clients with pleanty of money to burn. 90% of the time I bet the client knows nothing about fish keeping so long as they see lots of colourful fish they will pay and unfortunately the companies put that profit before the well-being of the fish. But despite that they are great to see the huge and weird tanks they make. Did anyone like the phone box one on tanked? I didn't but the missus did.
Oh ya those clients have alot of money, I cant remember the cost, but when they learned those quarantine tanks they built for that rich couple were no good, they mentioned in a later episode how it costed them xx hours and thousands of dollars of acrylic. What did they do? Smashed them :/ I woulda taken one for free :X But they do express their love and care of fish in at least most of the episodes. Those bala sharks in the kids TV tank though were not cool
Anyone see the latest Fish Tank Kings? There business strategy is immoral but I suppose successful. A guy who works away a lot has led to a "small" saltwater setup to get terribly wrong due to lack of maintenance. So the solution they propose is lets quadruple the size and make it so tall that even when he's got time he won't want to maintain it. But I must admit it did look beautiful
Tanked isn't much better :grr:

Happened to just flick onto the channel and thought what the heck, i'll watch it and nearly died.

They set up a juke box marine fish tank run on a 205 external filter (i'd have said tank was about 180L) and bang... all in one go they added:

1 x adult flame angel
15 ish Blue Damsels
10 ish bangaii cardinals
1 x hogfish (didnt see species)
numerous fire fish

and i forget which other species but either way... fish had no room to move!


That aside... just watching recorded episode of Red Dwarf X (the new series) and they have an AquaOne Aqua Space fish tank in the back ground! :lol: :good:

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