List of compatable species


Ex-LFS manager/ keeper of over 30 danio species
May 26, 2004
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Kent UK
I have purposly left out most cichlids as I think that the cichlid forums would be the best place to add them.
If any one wishes to add any fish I've missed, please feel free to do so.
I have tried to stick to relativly common fish that are widely available.

The following fish are ideal community. They will mix well with eachother.
Albino Corydoras
Banded Corydoras
Banded Gourami
Beacon Fish
Bengal Danio
Black Bellied Limia
Black Molly
Black Neon Tetra
Black Phantom Tetra
Black Ruby Barb
Black Widow
Black-spotted Corydoras
Black-winged Hatchet Fish
Bleeding Heart Tetra
Blue Danio
Blood Tetra
Boesemann's Rainbow Fish
Bristle-Nose Catfish
Bronze Corydoras Cardinal Tetra
Checker Barb
Cherry Barb
Chocolate Gourami
Clown Loach
Coolie Loach
Croaking Gourami
Danio Hikari
Danio Kyathit
Danio Roseus
Dwarf Corydoras
Dwarf Danio
Dwarf Gourami
Dwarf Loach
Dwarf Pencilfish
Dwarf Rainbowfish
Dwarf Sucker
Elegant Corydoras
Emperor Tetra
Flame Tetra
Flying Fox
Giant Danio
Glass Catfish
Glowlight Danio
Glowlight Tetra
Golden Barb
Golden Pencilfish
Golden-eyed Dwarf Cichlid
Green Swordtail
Harlequin Rasbora Hi-Fin Swordtail
Honey Gourami
Indian Glassfish
Leopard Corydoras
Leopard Danio
Lyre Tail Black Molly
Madagascan Rainbowfish
Marbled Hatchet Fish
Moustached Danio
Neon Tetra
New Guinea Rainbowfish
Pearl Danio
Pearl Gourami
Penguinefish ( Penguine tetra)
Peppered Corydoras
Pygmy Corydoras
Red Eyed Tetra
Red Phantom Tetra
Red Swordtail
Rummy-Nose Tetra
Sailfin Molly
Schwartz's Corydoras
Scissor-tail Rasbora Siamese Flying Fox
Silver Hatchet Fish
Silver-Tipped Tetra
Sparkling Gourami
Three Spot Gourami
Three-Banded Pencilfish
Tube-mouthed Pencilfish
Tuxedo Hi-fin Lyretail Swordtail
Whiptail Catfish (L010)
White Cloud Mountain Minnow
X-ray Fish (X-ray tetra)
Zebra Danio

The following fish display some aggression towards other species. Be careful when considering which fish they will be sharing the tank with.
Adonis Catfish
Albino Ruby Shark
Armoured Catfish
Banjo Catfish
Black Ghost KnifeFish Buenos Aires Tetra
Butterfly Fish
Celebes Rainbow Fish
Chinese Algae-Eater
Common Pleco
Congo Tetra
Elephant Nose
Green Barb
Humbug Catfish
Lemon Tetra
Longfin Barb
Marbled Angelfish
Moonlight Gourami
Narrow Hatchet Fish
Opaline Gourami
Orange-finned Loach
Paradise Fish
Pictus Catfish
Red Parrot
Red Tailed Shark
Rosy Barb
Royal Whiptail
Ruby Shark
Serpae Tetra
Short-faced Elephant Nose
Siamese Fighting Fish (Betta)
Silver Angelfish
Silver (Bala) Shark
Skunk Botia
Spotted Headstander
Striped Headstander
Tiger Barb
Tiger Loach
Tinfoil Barb
Tyre-track Eel
Yoyo Loach

The following fish are very aggressive, even towards other members of their own species. Be extra careful when tank sharing with other fish.
African Knife Fish
Electric Catfish
Fire eel
Frogmouth catfish
Giant Gourami
Marbled Headstander Oscar
Red Tailed Catfish
Shovelnose Catfish
Siamese Tiger Fish
Tiger Shovelnose Catfish

HTH :)
Aggression and size/feeding habbits are two totally different matters, all the fish listed as aggressive with the exception prehaps of the snakeheads are only a danger to fish which they are able to swallow and do not show aggression to similar sized and larger tankmates.
The same goes with most of the fish listed as semi aggressive, fish like bala sharks, pictus cats and tinfoil barbs are no more aggressive than neon tetras but may eat smaller fish due to their size, in the fish world the general rule is if it fits its food.
Lists like this are next to useless in real life as there are so many variables that can make a fish suitable for a community or not.
My senegal bichirs have never acted aggressive in the two months I had them :D They're the ones that get picked on -_- A lot of aggressive fish aren't very aggressive at all, just big and hungry, like oscars for example :)
Aggression and predatation are two seperate issues, some herbivorous fish are highly aggressive and violent but never eat anything but green food while most predatory fish will swallow anything that fits in their mouth but are complete wimps and would rather swim away than have a confrontation with similar sized or larger fish.
Tank sizes also play a major part in fish aggression, a group of aggressive fish in a small tank will rip each other to bits, put the same fish into a larger tank and they all play nicely.
Then feel free to remove this entire topic.

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