List All The Small (less Than) 5 Inch Pleco's You Can Think Of

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The Hairy Potter
Mar 21, 2005
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I have a ten inch common plec which is going into my sisters 55 gallon tank soon. I'm looking to get 2 to 3 small plecs to replace him. So name every small plec you can think of. Any other info you can think of off the top of your head would be good too. I'll research any I'm interested in. Oh yeah pics of small species plecs would be good too but again i can find those on my own if you don't have any of the species your thinking of. thanks a ton guys. I'm looking for plecs that do not need wood, and are known to eat algae.

Edit: If you guys could include general price range if you know it it would be greatly appreciated. thanks again =)

I'll start

Common name: Rubbernose/rubberlip/bulldog plec
Scientific Name: Chaetostoma Milesi
Max size: 3-5 inches
algae eater: yes...moderate
need wood: no
shy: debateable
schooling: no

Common Name: bushy nose/bristlenose plec
scientific name: Ancistrus dolichopterus
Max Size: 4.5"
algae eater: yes...good
need wood: no but it's recommended
shy: not very
fragile: smaller they are more fragile they are
schooling: no

Common Name: Otto
Scientific Name: ottocinclinus affinis
Max Size: 2"
algae eater: yes...excellent
need wood: no
shy: no
fragile: yes always pick fat ottos
schooling: yes 3 or more
Gold Nugget Pleco (L-18)

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 73-79°F; pH 6.5-7.0; KH 8-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 6"
Color Form: Brown, Gold
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Likes Wood not a must
eats algea and left-over food

Candy Stripe Pleco (L-135)

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 74-79°F; pH 6.5-7.4; KH 6-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"
Color Form: Black, Brown
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Planted aquariums with hearty, fast-growing plants, high aeration, and water
movement make for a healthy environment. Rocks and driftwood help to accent
a natural habitat and provide hiding spaces to reduce stress for the Candy Stripe
Plecostomus. A recommended minimum tank of 30 gallons should be provided to
house this fish.

Zebra Pleco, True (L-46)

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 77-86°F; pH 6.0-7.5; KH 5-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 3"
Color Form: Black and White
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Very expencive.
Does no eat algea.

Starry Night Pleco (L-183)

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-79°F; pH 6.5-7.4; KH 6-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"
Color Form: Black, White
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Hairy Tiger Pleco (L-105)

Minimum Tank Size: 30 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-79°F; pH 6.5-7.4; KH 6-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 4"
Color Form: Brown
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Common name: Clown Pleco
Scientific Name: Peckoltia pulcher, Panaque maccus (?)
Max size: 4 inches
algae eater: yes, some
need wood: yes
shy: extremely shy at first, but may become less so
schooling: no

comments: Does eat algae but it will not clean up a tank. They eat wood as well as vegetables and small amounts of live foods. It is also very shy so provide many hiding places and driftwood. Good for a community tank without any bullies. However, it will defend its favorite cave against other fish, especially during feeding time.
Gold Nugget Pleco (L-18)

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 73-79°F; pH 6.5-7.0; KH 8-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 6"
Color Form: Brown, Gold
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Likes Wood not a must
eats algea and left-over food


According to both Planet Catfish and Schliewen's Tropical Fish, the L18 gets to 14". I've certainly seen them bigger than 6".
Well, I'm a bit late to this thread, but I wanted to put in a plug for my fish database. I have entries for all fish in the catfish section on this site.

I searched for all Loricariidae, and sorted by average size by clicking on that column. While others already covered all the possiblities the database came up with, I just wanted to advertise it!
Gold Nugget Pleco (L-18)

Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Moderate
Tank Conditions: 73-79°F; pH 6.5-7.0; KH 8-10
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 6"
Color Form: Brown, Gold
Temperament: Peaceful
Diet: Omnivore

Likes Wood not a must
eats algea and left-over food


According to both Planet Catfish and Schliewen's Tropical Fish, the L18 gets to 14". I've certainly seen them bigger than 6".

mabye i pretty sure they only get to 6''
To keep this quantifiable, I'll list ours that don't get over 5"

LDA25 - Pitbull Plecs
2" max

Common bristle noses
& Our starlight Bristle noses
4-5" max

L129 - Columbian Zebra Plecs
3-4" max

L046 - True Zebra Plec
4" max

L134 - Leopard Frog Plecs
4" max

L236 - Belo Monte Plec
4" max

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