Liquid Salt.


Fish Gatherer
Mar 27, 2007
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So I was thinking last night as I filled my tank and had to dump in cup by cup of salt that there has to be an easier way to do this. Then it hit me, RO water + salt= liquid salt! And with enough salt dissolved it could be highly concentrated so a 2 litre bottle of it could do around 25-30 gallons. What do you guys think? Would this be a marketable product?
Probably not a good idea. Water can only hold so much salt (or any other mineral) and it is about twice the strength of seawater when it becomes saturated. Once it is saturated, no more salt can be dissolved in the water. This means you will have to carry 10litres of water just to make 20litres of seawater. It's much easier to carry a couple of kgs of dry salt and add it to 20litres of water.

Keep thinking up the ideas tho. You'll come across something sooner or later :)
Thanks colin. My gf told me the same thing. Ive just been thinking of how to make some sort of gunky liquid. My gf thinks it may work, as do I. Any ideas of something that would work?
As Colin says, it wouldn't work - water can only dissolve so much salt, so no, it wouldn't work - the water becomes saturated

Seffie x

That's why I wanted it to be highly concentrated. So it's not heavy.

And to see the point, look beyong the box truck.
But water is heavy, so when you add water to something already heavy like salt mix, it's only going to get heavier... And if you weigh it out so it's the same weight as salt mix, then there's less mix in it. Density is a bear ;)

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