Lip Battle



Seeing as angel lover has been having so much trouble with her spawning angels lately, thought I'd share a glimpse of what mine have been up to the last few days. Actually, they've been going at it worse than usual...


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She's a fraction the size of the big guy, but she sure gives him a run for his money.


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Sorry for the poor pic quality... was more of a 'catch em in the moment' sort of photo shoot...

You can see that she's getting kind of beat up and her lips are all washed out looking, but they seem to be settling down a bit and she's not acting stressed, so I think I'll leave them be another day or so and see what's going on. Evvvverybody's moving next week when the carpets get replaced with laminate, so I'd rather not move/stress them twice if I can avoid it.


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lol Smb... thought you'd like that little display of fishy aggression. Actually, they were going after each other really badly for a while yesterday, and I was curious to see what they'd do if I put my finger in the tank between them (usually they swim up to it to at least investigate if I'm bearing gifts.. like bloodworms), and she totally went at me and bit me!!!
and she totally went at me and bit me!!!

:lol: You should know better than to mess with a woman when she's mad! :lol: :lol:

lol Smb... thought you'd like that little display of fishy aggression.

Yea, you know me, I love that stuff but try to keep it to myself on this site so as to not offend anyone. :sad:
;) Great pictures Aquanut!!! I just got a bunch angels within the last week.....I love them!!! :wub: :wub: :wub:
AquaNut said:
lol Smb... thought you'd like that little display of fishy aggression. Actually, they were going after each other really badly for a while yesterday, and I was curious to see what they'd do if I put my finger in the tank between them (usually they swim up to it to at least investigate if I'm bearing gifts.. like bloodworms), and she totally went at me and bit me!!!
Mine go after me too. Both of them attack me when Im removing the spawning slate.
Lol! Knucklehead!!! :lol: That was the first time either of my beloved angels has attacked me, but then again, it's the first time I've stuck my hand in the tank when they were at war. lol

Freshmike - you'll love your angels :nod: They're so beautiful and smart. :wub:
I already do.....I don't know much about tropicals I gonna be ok having gouramis, angels and rams together? Doesn't seem to a problem as of yet....(fingers crossed) :unsure:
I've never kept rams....

What does 'many' gouramis mean? lol That one worries me a bit. >.< I'm of the opinion that gouramis can be kinda territorial and nasty... and so can angels... Keep an eye on it... you'll know if it's not working out. :nod:
I have 8 gouramis.....they don't really seem to care about other fish as much as they care about being little lawn mowers...... :lol:
:eek: That's a lot of gouramis in a 50 gallon tank with three angels, a small school of cardinals and seven rams! You're used to stocking African cichlids or something. lol Like I said, watch them; you'll know if they're alright.
Of course as they get bigger and depending on temperments, I will eventually have to split them up....I had as many fish as I wanted in there and then Angela came home with "presents" for me and in the tank they went!!!! What was I supposed to say? No? LOL! ;)

only 2 cardinals are left.......they are mysteriously disappearing (spooky)

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