lionhead goldfish turn over!!Help!!


New Member
Mar 7, 2004
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Does any one has solution as how to cure lionhead goldfish which has turned over the body ? It is confirmed that the cause is due to the sudden change of new water environment. It is not sick. i have added salt to kill the germs ...and medications that i can there any beter solution?..seems to me that the fish is struggling to survive....and i cant change the water anymore....pls help !! the change of water is a normal routine job... and i believe that the water is ok cuz i have tank chaning the same water and the fish inside that tank has no problem!..i know that goldfish are sensitive and i should have change half the tank instead of!!
Feed some live and frozen foods, preferably Daphnia. My Veiltail often has this problem and floats around upside down, its just because he is bloated/constipated so his stomach floats to the surface. :)

Good Luck
thanks for the advice...however my two goldfish has passed away 4 hrs ago....:(
I used to keep cold water and had this happen a few times, I found by addinga small amout of bi-carb to the water thi8s sorted out the problem, hope this helps

franky :D

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