Lionfish research

gourami fan

New Member
Nov 16, 2003
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I am researching the Pterois volitans or Lionfish and I am having trouble finding certain info. Including, How much it ways at birth, the difference between males and females, when they can begin to reproduce and if they care for their young.
Does anyone have any useful info. :dunno: Thanks for your help!
Maybe if you check out the Marine and Reef forums you will have better luck. Navarre is pretty knowledgeable when it comes to the marine world!
I looked it up and read that there is no visible difference between male and female, and that they have not been successfully bred in an aquarium... that's all I could find
synirr u r wrong they have successfully spawned but the fry are impossible to raise without changing out fresh ocean water everyday. I know someone whos lionfish have spawned 50+ times There is no visible between male and female. It gets to 15". There really is no way to tell when they begin to reproduce. There fry are about . as big as that dot at birth so i have no clue what measurement that would be but it would weigh practically nothing. As far as i know there is no way for them to care for there young. No one really knows as there fry have never survived more than 9 days in captivity. Hope this helps. Sounds like your doing a report huh?

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