lingering ich



I use salt and have had water over 80 for 2 weeks. one female gup just has a few spots on her fin, but isn't getting worse. It's like this is really tough ich. Any ideas? Won't go away completely. What do I do? new babies on the way from 3 fems
Sometimes salt doesn't work and medicine needs to be added. I have had good luck with Rid Ich + by Kordon. It is safe on scaleless fish and will not harm you biological filtration. :)
Turn your heater up to 85 degrees and do a 10 percent waterchange ever other day and this will take care of your ich without using any medicine at all. The parasite cannot survive in this higher temp. and trust my it will hurt your fish for a week or so. Plus this has the best advantage you dont have to stress them out with that ich medicine. You can use a little salt if you dont have any scaless fish.
fish keeper sharks and mollies said:
Turn your heater up to 85 degrees and do a 10 percent waterchange ever other day and this will take care of your ich without using any medicine at all. The parasite cannot survive in this higher temp. and trust my it will hurt your fish for a week or so. Plus this has the best advantage you dont have to stress them out with that ich medicine. You can use a little salt if you dont have any scaless fish.
The parasite cannot survive in this higher temp. and trust my it will hurt your fish for a week or so.
It will hurt your fish?
I don't think that's what fksam meant :p

Anyhoo, I personally would use meds, especially after all this time.

I have used Interpet Anti Whitespot plus which costs £3.50 whenever I have had ich and it doesn't damage plants or foilters and is totally safe for all fish including loaches, catfish and plecs.

I believe that cleaning the gravel lightly and often during treatment as it will get the parasites that have fallen from the fish before the become freeswimming (or something :*) )

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