Limpet Snails?


Fish Gatherer
Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Scotland (UK)
I bought a few snails labled as "limpet snails" though I cant find any info on them. To me they look like small limpet shaped nerites and are brownish black and about the size of a smartie. Any ideas? I'll try and get some pics tomorrow as they have gone into hiding already.
Hi ~T~

Try Septaria porcellana

Yup that appears to be them. Wish I had got more now, maybe they will still have them in next week. Do you know if they like to vacate the tank like other nerites?
No personal experience but I seem to recall snailshop selling them (or a similar species) a few years back and describing them as very good algae eater. I was tempted but obviously they weren't cheap :lol: Wish my LFSs are as good as yours. Never see anything interesting around here :/
No personal experience but I seem to recall snailshop selling them (or a similar species) a few years back and describing them as very good algae eater. I was tempted but obviously they weren't cheap :lol: Wish my LFSs are as good as yours. Never see anything interesting around here :/

Yeh no doubt they would have been obscene prices though I see their prices have dropped quite considerably with golden eye tiger shrimp only £2.50. My snails cost £1.75 each which I thought was quite good. I might phone the shop tomorrow and see if they have any left.

Here are some pics of the little blighters. One has finally moved onto the glass and it busy getting to work on the green spot algae hurrah! Also they seem to have nerite eggs all over them (ppossibly their own kind but maybe other types if they were kept in the same tank).


my lfs has these for 1.75

they also sell tai micro crabs which is amazing

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