Limnobium Laevigatum - Frogbit


Fish Aficionado
Jan 27, 2007
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Commuting between Oaxaca, Mexico and Montreal, Can
Aquatic plants is really taking off here in Mexico :hyper: and I have found somebody that sells limnobium. Would this be an appropriate plant for my killies' setups to create shade?

Edit: They are now also selling Salvinia Auriculata. Which one would be better?
Great! Thanks Colin! I will go for the frogbit I think since I like the long roots...
I also saw now that they are starting to sell salvina natans, your favourite.This one is best for infusoria, right? But again, this one is only sold up north in the country. We are getting there though!
Both plants are fine but I would go for the Salvinia since it is a more tough plant. A lot of the time, frogbit starts to dissolve, turn brown and die, and thats pretty common. I've never had a problem with Salvinia

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