Lima Shovel Nose Not Eating.


New Member
Apr 15, 2005
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Hi all, It's been a while but I have a small problem. My lima quit eating. Here is the run down. 90 gallon tank, 8" Lima, 6" Jack, 4" Severum, 3" Fire mouth, 3" spotted pictus, 5" striped pictus, 3" spotted Rahpheal(?) cat, 4" Banjo cat (somewhere), 1" Cory (of some kind), and 2 1.5" Giant Danios (originally his food). The water and tank are serviced regularly and are in good condition. The Lima apears in very good health but has not eaten in about 3-4 weeks. He was eating ciclid sticks pretty good then nothing. I am going to move about three of the smaller fish very soon so the larger fish will have more room. I figured by now he would have eaten someone, but nothing.

Have there been any changes to the tank recently? It is very common for limas to go through periods of fasting after a change in the lay out of their tank or a stressfull experience. If the fish is healthy then even a couple pf months without food wont do much harm and the fish should start to eat again once it becomes hungry, just keep offering food until it eats, just remember to remove any uneaten food after a couple of hours.

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