Lil Help Please!


Fish Fanatic
Jan 14, 2007
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Well i have just added my live rock but for some reason my salt level has gone down.... how do i raise it ? do i add the salt straight to the tank or do i mix it in a bucket first? thanks Stella!
not to far it went from 1.024-1.021 do i make a stronger salt solution then or what?
Yep! but if you only have liverock in there you could just do a water change and re add 1.024 and bring it back up slowly (probably a preferable route to take).

It's really odd to have your s.g. drop on its own though, maybe check it again to be certain you didnot make any mistake. Normaly it will rise on its own due to evaporation but will not fall on its own.

How much would you recomend i take out? would it be ok to empty some water into a few buckets and add some more salt because i dont have any RO water left?
Really if it's only liverock, I'd probably leave it alone and let evaporation raise the s.g. till you can get some R.O. water again. 1.021 won't do any harm to the live rock, it will still continue to cycle (assuming that's where you're at?) And then when you can get some more water you can make a bit at say 1.025 or 1.026 (not all mind you ) make enough to replace what you take out of your tank and raise the s.g. that way. Aside from that just keep an eye on the other water chemistry specs in the meantime and watch for life on that rock; it's quite amusing.


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