Like Father, Like Son


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Feb 19, 2003
Reaction score
Ft.Worth TX
This is a horrible shot I took last week (or the week before?), but a perfect photo op,( seriously this was the best pic to come out of it :rolleyes: )

I had my papa red still in a show bowl because I hadn't cleaned his 2.5 out from the show, so before I moved him I put one of his kids beside him for a looksy and it was just oh too cute!
Thought you guys might enjoy seeing them. Look how small :wub:
Cute and did he know it was his dad.
aww Pappa Red has a "mini me". How cute.
Heh heh, he has about 10 of them :lol:

Wilder, I'm not sure about the kid but I *do* believe the fathers recognize. I try to take a "father/son" pic of all my spawns and it seems the dads know whats going on right away. They have a "There you are!!!!!!" type of reaction.

OohF, I can't help it, I have fatties :p
That's very cute then that fish no they are there sons or daughters, one proud daddy.
HEY! HEY! HEY! that's "thick"

..we gotta be politcally correct these days you know :lol:.
True, true. I can hear them now, in a very Cartman-esque voice..
"Im not fat, I'm big boned!!"
True, true. I can hear them now, in a very Cartman-esque voice..
"Im not fat, I'm big boned!!"

LOL...Those fish are beautiful...If your interested in giving any of your fry a new home my 10 gallon is going to be divided this weekend into 4 slots and will have lots of room for the bettas...
Thanks, Arrowhead. I'm pretty crazy about them myself ^_^
Father/Son shots have got to be my favorite and I wish I had a better one of these two.
Andie, that's funny you say that, the marble daddy's tank is actually beside the grow out, so he watches them all day :lol: None of them even flare yet, they remind me so much of him with such a gentle nature.

Thanks, Synirr!
What's got me laughing about that picture Wuv, is that that little boy's got the nerve to flare at papa there! Very funny! Now I know where Synirr's babys got their spunk from! :lol:
The temperament between colors is very different, The reds are, by far, ruthless and on the aggressive side. Their daddy was a brutal spawner but the female took it all in good stride, while the marble was gentle and so good to his woman (a friend of mine calls him the teddy bear betta because he's just a lover,barely a fighter). It's crazy.
But yeah, he was ready to show down with his very own father! (I think the dads get a kick out of it)

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