
I use the standard household tubes that cost about £3 each (for a 48" tube). I used to use the expensive ones from the lfs to try and get different effects but now im just as happy to see the fishes colours under normal lighting.
I use two 18" beauty lights on a 40 gallon aquarium. I'm going to buy some new ones because they are five years old now.
CFC said:
I use the standard household tubes that cost about £3 each (for a 48" tube).
That's not a good idea fish need a certain spectrum of light and ur normal household light might ow be able to produce that and you shouldn't put a price on fishs health and the equipement they need. Shame on you CFC

Well i use a 18" power glow (fom Hagen) its a good tube for anything really plants a fish i have a small tank and only one light fitting and i keep fish and plants and unfortunatly algee. i have them on 12Hrs a day.
Tropjunky said:
CFC said:
I use the standard household tubes that cost about £3 each (for a 48" tube).
That's not a good idea fish need a certain spectrum of light and ur normal household light might ow be able to produce that and you shouldn't put a price on fishs health and the equipement they need. Shame on you CFC
:rofl: that has got to be the funniest thing ive heard in a long time, let me guess your lfs also advises you to change the tube every 6 months? Fish are not reptiles and do not need UV lighting to help with their growth, whoever told you that they do is very mistaken. The only time full spectrum tubes are needed is if you are growing plants with high lighting requirements, the fish would be more than happy with no tank lighting provided the room was lit.
Normal lights (Philips 865 or 965; first number is Ra-indwx, second is kelvin - 865=8, 6500K).

CFC said:
you to change the tube every 6 months?

Actually... If you have e.g. 3 tubes, it would be great idea to change one of them in every 6 months, so the age of one tube is appr. 18 months. Then quantity of light is almost same and plants get same quantity light all the time.
My 26 gal has 2 Philips 965, but I'd have to check the other two to say exactly what lights they have (something I can't do right now as they're about 400-500 km away...). I think the 34 gal has only one 18W normal light tube, but I only keep plants that need little light in that one and the cories prefer less intense light anyway.

The 16 gal has two 5W or 7W of those energy saving "light bulbs" (I don't know what they're called in English). They don't get as hot as the regular light bulbs and last longer. I think they have a better type of light too.
i don't change my tubes every 6 months its more like every year and i only do this cos i have a well planted tank. i don't think its funny. fish don't need UV and i didn't say they do.

i've never used a normal household light for my trop fishs. and that remindeds me i should change the tube soon.
I use a 36" power-glo (hagen) at the front of the tank and the original rear one at the back, not sure of the name, it comes with all Juwel tanks and has a pinky colour.

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