

Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
buffalo, ny
hey guys, im thinking about building a custom light for my tank. whats the smallest fluorescent i can get my hands on? thanks
hey guys, im thinking about building a custom light for my tank. whats the smallest fluorescent i can get my hands on? thanks

Theres a 1" (thats ONE inch) available for use in PDAs.... but in the real world, id say 6" for a "real" tube... have you thought about compacts flouro's ? Also sold as "energy saving lamps" these use bent, or coiled tubes.
yeah, i thought of using those also. my plan is to make a light fixture to house 6 or so lights, have them reflected at different angles to simulate morning, afternoon, and evening (and possibly moon lights for night). i got the idea from a light that sits next to my tank. it was on when the lights were off, it gave a real nice early morning sense of light... so thats the plan lol

ps. i ahve a 75g tank

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