

New Member
Feb 19, 2007
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Do fish need a break from the light. Like at night time can I turn them off? Or is it better to always have the lights on.
Thank you.
Much better to turn them off. Try and establish a "day-night" routine to make it as natural as possible for your fish.
You shouldnt run your lights for more than 8-10 hrs max, if you do you will increase green alge growth. If you want light at night why not try moonlights? You can get them on Ebay for approx £10.00

Hope this helps
Many breeders keep their fish under continuous lighted conditions, for what reasons I do not know. There is probably no direct harm that will come to your fish from continuous light (I know I keep mine on longer than most people, usually 14-15 hours a day), but realize that fish don't need light to survive, while other things growing in your tank may, so eliminating the source of light may also eliminate things like algae (on the glass and suspended) and the things which feed on algae. The choice is yours to make. :thumbs:

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