Fish Crazy
Hi, I used to have 3 tiger barbs and long plants hich covered the surface and then bought another 4 tiger barbs and cut all the plants to make them smaller. The first 3 were very active and then once I cut the plants and added the other 4 then they all have become very shy. They get like this especially when I turn the lights on and when the lihts are kept on I have 1 x High-Lite Light Unit 80 cm, 2 x 28 W lighting system.
Do you think the lighting is too strong? as they seem much happier with the lights off but then I cant see them. Stats are fine for the tank and had the tigers for 3 months now.
Do you think the lighting is too strong? as they seem much happier with the lights off but then I cant see them. Stats are fine for the tank and had the tigers for 3 months now.