Lights, Plants And Other Stuff


New Member
Sep 20, 2012
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Morning everyone,
I have always wanted a planted tank but my first attempt a few years ago end in disaster. However with a new tank I want to try again and get it right this time. I have read loads of fantastic threads on here but I'm still uncertain about a few things.  
Here's some info about the tank. 28g. It has two T5 24w bulbs, but is this low or medium lighting? The lights are on a timer for 6hrs per day. I have an AquaManta EFX 200 external filter which according to the blurb has a max flow rate- 800 lph (if that is true). The spray bar is attached to back wall and I have angled it to create surface rippling.
Rather than doing a fishless cycle with the plants from the beginning, I added them at the end. The plants have now been in the tank for about 4 weeks. Having looked at the recommendations I brought the following.
Cryptocoryne petchii
Eleocharis Acicularis
Alternanthera cardinalis (the leaves are still red, but do I have enough light?)
Anubias nana 
Echinodorus Radicans
Echinodorus Ozelot
Java Moss
As the leaves have melted I have removed them and it appears all the plants are starting to produce new growth, although I'm not sure about the alternanthera cardinalis. I don't have any form of Co2 system at the moment, but I was considering getting some neutro Co2. I didn't really get any help with choosing ferts when I got the plants so I'm using Tetra Planta Min as per the guidelines. But having read some threads I'm not sure if this is the right stuff.
About week ago I was going to start moving some of my old fish in, so in preparation I tested the water and got the following stats. pH 7,4, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 80 maybe 160. I did a large water change 50-60%, but the nitrates remain elevated. Is this due to rotting plant matter? Yesterday I also discovered I have acquired some free snails. Algae is starting to grow on the bog wood and settling on the leaves.
Once I have mastered keeping plants alive I want to buy some more.
Many thanks in advance for your help.

Cheers Simon
simon_pedley said:
Here's some info about the tank. 28g. It has two T5 24w bulbs, but is this low or medium lighting?
I'd say that's medium lighting based on 1watt per gallon guideline, although you might find more and more people talking about PAR rather than WWPG these days. I'd say that's fine for you at this stage though.
simon_pedley said:
The lights are on a timer for 6hrs per day.
You might want to consider starting with 7 or even 8 hours and seeing how that goes. If you then need to drop it to 6 or 7 you can. 6 will be ok though if that's all you want.
simon_pedley said:
I have an AquaManta EFX 200 external filter which according to the blurb has a max flow rate- 800 lph (if that is true). The spray bar is attached to back wall and I have angled it to create surface rippling.
Ideally you want the turnover to be 10x so I'm assuming you're talking US gallons so you have a turnover of just under x8 which isn't too bad. Spray bar seems fine if you've got a rippling surface.
simon_pedley said:
Rather than doing a fishless cycle with the plants from the beginning, I added them at the end. The plants have now been in the tank for about 4 weeks. Having looked at the recommendations I brought the following.
Cryptocoryne petchii
Eleocharis Acicularis
Alternanthera cardinalis (the leaves are still red, but do I have enough light?)
Anubias nana 
Echinodorus Radicans
Echinodorus Ozelot
Java Moss
The only one I'm not sure about is the Alternanthera Cardinalis, only because I've never had it myself. The rest should be fine. Anubais and Crypts are fairly slow growers but they're all easy plants to start with.
simon_pedley said:
As the leaves have melted I have removed them and it appears all the plants are starting to produce new growth, although I'm not sure about the alternanthera cardinalis. I don't have any form of Co2 system at the moment, but I was considering getting some neutro Co2. I didn't really get any help with choosing ferts when I got the plants so I'm using Tetra Planta Min as per the guidelines. But having read some threads I'm not sure if this is the right stuff.
Plants often melt when first added to a tank. The good news seems to be that you're getting new growth so stick with it. You can add liquid carbon or try injecting CO2 if you want. Liquid carbon will help with algae too.

With regards to Ferts, I use salts that I mix up and add daily. I could give you some links if you're UK based. Not sure I'd personally go with the ready made liquid stuff as its quite expensive. I spent around £20 on salts and they'll last for the year.
simon_pedley said:
About week ago I was going to start moving some of my old fish in, so in preparation I tested the water and got the following stats. pH 7,4, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, nitrate 80 maybe 160. I did a large water change 50-60%, but the nitrates remain elevated. Is this due to rotting plant matter? Yesterday I also discovered I have acquired some free snails. Algae is starting to grow on the bog wood and settling on the leaves.
There's a big difference between 80 and 160 so I'd make sure the bottles are shaken well before use, although if they're still elevated after a water change have you checked nitrate levels in your tap water? Rotting plant matter can cause high levels though.

What is your maintenance schedule? Some planted tanks have their water changed 50% a week and sometimes perform several water changes of a similar amount each week.
Thanks Lunar Jetman, I'm in sunny Bournemouth so some details about what you buy would be good. At the moment I'm doing weekly water changes about 25% each time. I will increase the lighting time and see how that goes. I have rechecked the nitrate level, but I hate reading these things. Its looks like 40 to me.
Thanks for the information, I have been reading up on EI dosing. I think I will buy a pre mixed fert until I have a better understanding of looking after plants and then change to mixing my own. I was having a look at the flow through the tank and noticed in some parts there didn't seem much movement so I have been looking at powerheads. I was thinking of getting this one from amazon. Would this be about the right flow for the size of tank I have?
Koralia make decent powerheads so that's a good model. I'm just wondering if perhaps a slightly less powerful one might be better though. With that and the 800lph filter you have it will be something like 1700lph which is quite strong. It might be ok depending on what fish you put in there.
Lunar Jetman said:
The lights are on a timer for 6hrs per day.
You might want to consider starting with 7 or even 8 hours and seeing how that goes. If you then need to drop it to 6 or 7 you can. 6 will be ok though if that's all you want.
Always work up - If you have good ferts and enough CO2 you can use light as your limiting factor - If you jumo the gun and get it wrong your weak link will be something harder to pin down...all the while with faster plant growth = faster problems

Thanks SO19firearms, my goodies arrive from aqua essentials tomorrow so that should make a big difference. What's your opinion on the powerhead I suggested. Do think its too powerful? The tank is 80cm long.
SO19Firearms said:

The lights are on a timer for 6hrs per day.
You might want to consider starting with 7 or even 8 hours and seeing how that goes. If you then need to drop it to 6 or 7 you can. 6 will be ok though if that's all you want.
Always work up - If you have good ferts and enough CO2 you can use light as your limiting factor - If you jumo the gun and get it wrong your weak link will be something harder to pin down...all the while with faster plant growth = faster problems

SO19Firearms said:

The lights are on a timer for 6hrs per day.
You might want to consider starting with 7 or even 8 hours and seeing how that goes. If you then need to drop it to 6 or 7 you can. 6 will be ok though if that's all you want.
Always work up - If you have good ferts and enough CO2 you can use light as your limiting factor - If you jumo the gun and get it wrong your weak link will be something harder to pin down...all the while with faster plant growth = faster problems

Fair point SO, probably a better idea to do that. Working forwards is better than working backwards!

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