lights out = freak out


New Member
Aug 15, 2003
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I've only had my fish (11 neon tetras and 2 catfish) for 3 days/3 nights now and I've noticed that everytime I turn out the overhead light (around 11:30pm) the fish freak out.

Now, I don't just thrust them from daylight to pitch black night. Instead I'll kill the overehead, but leave the room lights on for about 20 minutes.

Then I'll kill those and leave the tv on and put on a small flourescent light on over the lightbar (very low wattage. simulates light moonlight in one area while 80% of the tank is in the dark).

After 10 minutes of that, I kill the tv and leave the small light on all night.

But on each stage, the fish (mostly the tetras) freak out. I'm guessing the pet store left their tank lights on all night.

is this natural behavior? I should be turniug out the lights, right?
Sounds normal to me.

No lfs I know keeps the lights on overnight. Fish need to relax and sleep and this is when they do it.

The problem with you might be that your fish aren't acclimated to their surroundings yet.

Some fish are within a day (ie Red Devils. These guys are the the quickest imo) and some take a few days to a week to a couple weeks.

The best thing you can do is be consistent for the first month or so. Turn the light on at the same exact time and turn it off the same exact time until they get acclimated.

You've done a great job of doing it so far. I might say, a lot better than I have ever done with the bright to dim to no light.

Just be consistent. Feed them and do everything at the same exact time if possible for a few weeks. Fish are only skittish when they aren't secure. So make sure eveerything is the same until they are and then you can make them more flexible.
I had the same problem Im a nurse which equals shifts days/half days/nights,

I found that my fish really didnt settle so I have recently invested in a plug socket timer to turn the light in the tank on and off at the times I normally would if I was there

Now Im the one who gets freaked out when the light next to me suddenly throws itself on :crazy:

Some thing I have also found strange in the 5 days I have had them is my phantom tetras behaviour. I have four phantoms three females and one male (not by choice they were all that were left :(

I have found whenever I turn the light on the male hides in the thick weed at the rear of the tank :sad: , but once the tank light is out he is fine and swims with two of the females and my "ornate" tetras,

But as soon as the lights are out, the space he had occupied is promptly taken but one of the females (I dont know them well enough yet to tell if it is the same one each time :/ )

It happens no matter what time of day I do it, I could do it 20 times a day and the same thing happens (not that I would try it on the poor little things)

What is going on? are they expecting a surprise attack from my DVD collection and mounting a 24hr lookout, am I doing something wrong? :huh:
Yes....Fisn really need a sunset and sunrise...when they get this they should calm down. Try make it as natural as possible. ;)

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