Lights in Aquarium


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2004
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Hello all this is my 1st post.

Last week I got a 10 gallon starter aquarium as a gift.. It was from PETSMART. I set it up as as instructed. ALL THE STUFF HAS COME FROM PETSMART.

1) Ensured the tank was leap proof.
2) Put 1/4 inch color gravel on th bottom.
3) Added 2 artifical plants.
4) Got a 3 stage filter (brand: Aqua Clear - Stage 1: Foam Filter, Stage 2: Activated Carbon and Stage 3: BioMax Insert) I got rid of the basic filter that it came with)
5) Set the temp to 79 deg. with the heater that came with the kit.
6) Let it run for 7 days WITH NO fish as per the instructions.
7) Today I got 2 small corry catfish and placed them in AFTER placing their bags into the aquarium for 15 minutes so that the water temp would be the same.
(Just added the fish NOT their water in the bag).
8) I also got a live aqua fern plant for them.

All looks good. The catfish are busy moving around everywhere as if they are cleaning up the place. Very cute.

My question is the aquarium came with some lights for the hood. I turned them on aorund 6PM today as the room the aquarium is in got dark around that time. (The aquraium DOES NOT get direct sunlight.) In any case at midnight I turned off the lights on the aqurium. Is this okay? Or do I need to keep it on all night for my fish?

Also I'm thinking of getting a BETA fish. Will he play well in the aquraium? What other fish do people recommend? I know that I'll have to wait at least 3 weeks before I add more fish so that the tank & water can adjust right?

Also do I still need to change 20% of the water each week even though I have the filter, the live plants, and the cory catfish?

Sorry for all the questions from a newbie!
Hi & welcome :)

You may want to purchase some test kits for amonia, nitrate, nitrite, etc. so you can keep an eye on those readings, as I'm not sure if your tank is cycled or not. I don't know much about cycling (yet) but high readings of these can be deadly. I'm sure someone will come along that will be able to give more info on this.

I turn my light on when I wake up & turn it off when I go to bed. You shouldnt leave it on all the time, cause fishies need to sleep too.

Bettas are great fish, but you have to be careful as they can be aggressive. I think a male (what you normally see in pet stores) would be ok w/ the corys, but I'd watch when adding new fish. Some can do well w/ other fish some don't, it just depends on the particular betta. Female bettas can be aggressive too, but IME they are good for community aquariums, mine is just a little nippy w/ my guppy.

You should change 20%-25% of the water each week, use a gravel cleaner so you get all the uneaten food & poo off of the gravel.

If you have any other questions feel free to ask :p
:hi: to the forums.

Everything you need to know on cycling is here .

As Abe said, you need to change the water, irrelevant of anything. Water changes are very very important. If it is a 10 gallon, a betta would certainly do great in there. Also, after reading the article in the link above, and having cycled the tank, you could also add more cories. Cories enjoy being in large groups :thumbs: Also, the lights should be on for 8-10 hours a day.

Just make sure you cycle the tank. Good luck ;)

Thanks for the link on cycling. I have already ADD my fish into the tank. :( so I hope they survive after reading about cycling. I'm going to PETSMART in a little bit to get me an tester kit, some type of gravel cleaner and some more LIVE plants.

Anything else anyone thinks I'm missing? Need to know?

1) Feed them once a day (until cycling is done)
2) Test the water everyday for the ammonia level
3) Change 20% of the water weekly.

Got this link for it:
while the tank is cycling, keep the ammonia and nitrite levels below 1 if possible by using DAILY water changes. The 20% per week is once your tank is cycled and running normally. HTH :)
Well I got an AMMONIA Test Kit and tested the water last night at it came out to .25 ppm (mg/L). Not bad hu? I know it should be at zero but I was expecting much much worse! The AMMONIA kit came with a free bottle of STRESS ZYME. The bottle saus that it speeds the development of the "good" bacteria for the tank.

What I did notice today is that I'm getting water evaporation. Is this normal? The water temp is at 81 deg. (Heater is set at 80 Deg but I think the lights in the hood are causing the extra 1 deg in heat level). The house AC is on at about 75 Deg.

Last night I added about 64 oz of water to the tank to put it back at the level it was before.

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