Marine Keeper..
Well I purchased a 60L Tetra tank off ebay - When I got there he said the on/off button on the top of the tank had broken - so he had replaced it with a new light that had an external powerpack with an on/off button etc. so I thought fair enough - a lights a light.
Well I turned both tank lights on this morning as usual after waking up, they seemed fine then about 5 minutes later all of a sudden the light started flicking, so i turned it off - went cinima returned turned it on and it is still doing it.
Does this mean im just best to buy a new light?
Well I turned both tank lights on this morning as usual after waking up, they seemed fine then about 5 minutes later all of a sudden the light started flicking, so i turned it off - went cinima returned turned it on and it is still doing it.
Does this mean im just best to buy a new light?