Fish Fanatic
I have standard fluorescent lighting in my tank now. I noticed after having my light on all day yesterday (approx 10-11 hours) My yellow-tailed damsel no longer had a yellow tail... it had faded to white. When I got up this morning and turned on the light it has gained 50-60% of its color back. Before you reccomend a disease keep this in mind ALL of the fish are eating very well and they are not acting noticably different. Although my Blue Tang is leaning up against a rock in my tank. But it was not rubbing itself against it at all. Just leaning somewhat against it. But the tang is usually nervous and weird when someone is at the tank. The only Water issue is nitrates on the high side.
Am I leaving the lights on too long? Should I have a different color temperature that what the standard fluoreacents give you?
None of the fish have any white or black splotches but I still can help but be nervous that there is a parasite, ick or something. Maybe I should just get a reef safe ick treatment and have it standing by in case it seems go that direction.
Am I leaving the lights on too long? Should I have a different color temperature that what the standard fluoreacents give you?
None of the fish have any white or black splotches but I still can help but be nervous that there is a parasite, ick or something. Maybe I should just get a reef safe ick treatment and have it standing by in case it seems go that direction.