Lighting Units Efficiency

Alex Brown

Fish Crazy
Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Gosport, Hampshire.
Right now I am using the stock dual t5 holder that came with my tank, plus a dual 39w hagen glo luminaire. I have noticed that due to the lights being all different hights off the water and shaddows cast due to the ballast in the middle of the stock lights, I have a very poor distribution of light over my reef.

I aim to upgrade to a luminaire that holds 4 bulbs all in, but I am wondering if any of you have experience with such unit to inform me of? I like to keep my light units under the rim of the tank to stop light spillage into my bedroom, so that is a factor also which eliminated light stands or hanging lights to an extent.

This Arcadia luminaire I have found might be exactly what I am looking for... however, what I dont know is how effective it is at reflecting light, as the tubes share a single reflector by the looks of things. Also, does somthing run down the middle of the unit obstructing the light from either side, thus casting a shaddow? THis is a problem I have with one of my lights right now.


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Well, technically that lighting setup uses two reflectors for 4 tubes. Really not too much better than a dual PC setup... What you want is a setup with 4 individual reflectors.
Though that might be mod-able. The tubes look shot in the photos, so take that into account when buying, as if ones on it's way out, they'll all likely need replacement :sad:

All the best

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