Lighting Unit Help.


Fish Fanatic
Aug 8, 2011
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Hi guys just a quick question for anyone that feels they can help, i've got a juwel trigon 190 tank and the light unit is on it's way out only turns on when it wants, so I'm on the look out for a replacement but not a juwel one I want something better. So question is, can I get anything better to fit the 190 tank? Would like a whole new light unit that will just be a straight replacement for the juwel one.

Anyone any ideas anyone done this? Cheers Dav.
Anyone got any thoughts on this? Any input is appreciated :good:
Arcadia T5 luminaire?
Thank you for the imput but I would like to stay as close to the standard look as possible, if you get what I mean something that looks like it came with the tank, I have looked through endless goggle web pages to find something but so far came up with nothing :sad:
DIY LED system? You could make one yourself that will fit the tank very cheaply.
DIY LED system? You could make one yourself that will fit the tank very cheaply.

Very good idea, do you know of a guide to one? Or something similar like what LED lights and so on? If not no worries thanks for your comment, this could be the way to go :good:
Here's my recent build:

It's quite basic really, just some high power LED's, driver and transformer.

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