I use R.O. Water (14 times RO'd) from the water store down my street as well as sparklets delivered water in the big 5G bottles, I have been sucking all the algea when doin water changes trying to get rid of it. My tank looks like a big SWAMP with corals Peaking through
What are your stocking levels in the tank for livestock (fish and corals)? ----- FLOWERPOT, BUBBLE, 6 Mushrooms, Star Polyps, Yellow Polyps, Torch Coral, Coral Banded (which I think has killed 3 of my fish so far, Don't think its a good idea to have one of these in a nano, only spares the larger fish

) , and a Royal Gramma
What are you feeding? ----------- Brine Shrimp, 1/4 a cube every day to every other day
What corals is it overtaking? ---- None so far, am having very slow reproduction rates
What cleanup crew? ------ 3 hermits, the coral banded, 4/5 snails (margarita)/tubo
Chemistry, pH, salinity (or sg), temp, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, phosphate? ------ All within normal parameters, I don't have a phospate test kit, but someone suggested too much phosphates can cause these blooms, So i added a phosphate remover bag in the back sump along with bag of activated carbon
How often do you do water changes? ----- Thought this might be the problem, so i started a 25% water change every week for the last 3 weeks with minimal results
How much LR? --------- 24 lbs ( I think....) I bought the wieghts a long time ago
Any protein skimming? ----- If the skimmer included in the 24G aquapod counts as one than yes, Otherwise i've looked at those nano skimmers and everyone i've talked to says that they break VERY easily and to hold off untill they come out with the new model
I am adding MARC WEISS Coral Vital DNA to my tank everyday. I just stopped today. I figured this MIGHT be the cause of these blooms; but highly doubt it since it says on the bottle (causes growth of coraline algea and that overtakes red and green slime algea)