Lighting Schedule For Working People.


New Member
Oct 23, 2007
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Hi, I wasn't able to find the answer to this using the search functions.

So I've read that fish need to be fed twice a day and also have 8-12 hours with the lights turned on. How do other working people manage this with their schedules? I want the light to be on for the several hours I'm home from work but wouldn't I need the light on in the morning if I plan to feed them there as well?

Basically, I'd like to feed the fish in the morning (I leave the house ~7:45) and feed them and enjoy the aquarium, etc. in the evening hours (I get home around 6pm).

Okay, if you'll allow me to break this into direct questions:

1. Can I just turn on the light when I get home and turn it off around 10 or 11pm when I go to sleep? Is this enough light?
2. Do I have to keep my room dark during the rest of the day by closing the blinds before I leave?
3. Can I feed the fish in the morning during this lights-off period?

Well, I have two jobs, my full-time job I work 3rd shift (12am-8am), my part-time job I work evenings about 4 times a week.

So what I do is turn the tanks on a 8am when I get home, feed the fish, go to bed.

Get up, feed fish at 10pm, turn tanks off.

So, if I'm not working my part-time job, I get to enjoy a few hours of the tanks on.

I do have a timer on the planted tank so the plants get an even amount of light, but the other tanks I turn off/on manually.

I live in an apartment (so little space) and my tanks are all in my living room, even with the lights on 14 hours and sunlight from a large patio window, I only get a little algae in the unplanted tank which the mbuna love so no harm no foul.

It sounds complicated, but it works for me. :good:
I have timers on all my tanks. They are set to come on at 1pm and go off at 11:30pm. I only feed once a day, I feed my main tank in the morning before work. The fish become active when i wake up after the light in the room comes on, so they get fed without the tank light on just the room light. I feed this tank while i'm getting ready for work. The other tanks i feed at night after i get home from work about 6-7pm.

Here is a Light Timer similar to mine. It has multiple settings for on/off on/off etc. or you just remove the extra pins and use two to make it come on at a certain time then go off at a set time. It also has a manual override on top you move with your finger to make the light come on manually when you want. You can find these at most home centers.
Thanks, everyone!

Great, so I need to get a timer and I think I'll go for a maybe 10am to 10pm lights-on cycle. I'll just feed the fish in the morning with the natural light. I don't really know the behavior of fish so I wasn't sure if they would notice if I fed them with the lights off in the morning... I guess I thought they might be sleeping?? :lol:

I only just finished doing a 100% water change and cleaning to get out all of my old evil surfacant-having ammonia off of everything. I finally found the "ACE - Janatorial Strength Formula Ammonia" at Ace Hardware after trying unsuccessfully at Lowes, Sears and Target. phew!

I put in ten drops of the new ammonia tonight in my 10 gallon tank which I've found holds more like ~9 gallons of water with rocks/decorations/plants. I'll test it in a couple minutes to check the ppm value. B)

The cycling begins.
i have a digital timer from tescos (if your in the uk - £8 - they are discounted atm).

Mine comes on at 3pm and goes off at 11pm in the week. At weekends (when i'm off work) the lights are on from 10AM -> 10PM.
i have a digital timer from tescos (if your in the uk - £8 - they are discounted atm).

Mine comes on at 3pm and goes off at 11pm in the week. At weekends (when i'm off work) the lights are on from 10AM -> 10PM.

Ooo, digital timer with weekend settings :) I want one of those.

So it seems like most people, assuming they stick to the two times a day feeding, will do their first feeding in the morning before the light have come on.
My lights go on at 7:30 ish, turn off again close to noon, and come on again around 4:30. The siesta helps keep down algae growth, as well as making the tank visible before I go to work in the morning as well as giving me hours of enjoyment in the evening.

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