lighting question?????


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2004
Reaction score
Northeast U.S.
is 2.8 watts per gallon suitable for algea growth and polyp/soft corals and if not what watt per gallon should i be at.thanx :D
Usually 2-3 watts a gallon. What you have should be fine :D
I dont follow the watts per gallon rule (i dont follow fish inches per gallon either). The problem is the size of tank. If you have a 50 gallon tank that is only 12 inches deepthen low watts are fine for many corals. However if you have the same volume 50 gallon tank but its 30 inches deep then you are going to need stronger lights and very probably halides.
Whilest we're on the subject, my tank is going to be 18" deep. I asssume the twin T5s will be enough for coral?
Yeah no probs stonker
I take it, at the mo you will just be keeping Softies

:D :D :D
I have a 24"(W)x18"(H)x12"(L) tank which I want to put live rock in.

Could I get away with just T8s say two 15W marine tubes with reflectors?
You could get away with it, but in the long run, will have to do better.
For smaller tanks, (under 55 gallons), compact flourescents are the way to go.

On a side note, I can see it is about time for me to start working on the in depth comprehensive lighting article I have known we need, but dreaded doing... :book:

Chac said:
Yeah no probs stonker
I take it, at the mo you will just be keeping Softies

:D :D :D
Yep, but I know how this bug bites. I'll be knocking walls out next for more tank space ;)
That lighting is kinda light (pardon the pun). Watts per gallon, like Navarre said, is just a rule of thumb deal. Compact flourescents or metal halide (depending on what you plan to keep) is the way to go. And Great Lakes.....yeah...the lighting post is always a pain in the u know what. There is just so much out there to try and make a recommendation. SH

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