Lighting Question


Sep 17, 2006
Reaction score
Lesmahagow, Scotland

Well I finally convinced the wife to let me have a new tank. Its def going to measure 36" x 18" x 28" and should be about 65 UK Gallons max so probably 59 once you have taken everything else into account. Now i am having this made for me and am going to have to add lights.

I am aiming at a Discus planted tank. I am needing help to decide what lights to put on and how much light i will need to keep the plants healthy (providing i give them substrate and feed).

can anybody tell me what i need? I have been looking at the T5's as everybody seems to rave about them. What wattage would be best??

Thank you in advance


P.s Just been looking at;productid=1973 Its the T5 Compact Starter and lamps. Would one/two of them work in my tank?

Which bulbs??
look at T5 linears, they dont waste as much light as PC.
hmm, i dont use wattage as a measure of light since they arent even similar. I would get two 36" T5 bulbs with individual reflectors. That shouldnt need CO2, i have a 48" tank where i use two 48" T5 tubes with individual reflectors, no need for a CO2 unit, although i may still get one for the heck of it.
hmm, i dont use wattage as a measure of light since they arent even similar. I would get two 36" T5 bulbs with individual reflectors. That shouldnt need CO2, i have a 48" tank where i use two 48" T5 tubes with individual reflectors, no need for a CO2 unit, although i may still get one for the heck of it.

Thats great thanks Musho. Any handy hints on where to pick them up from online or is it better to hit the pavement??

I am guessing i will need a starter unit, reflectors, bulbs. Is that it?? Which bulbs are best?

Sorry for being a pain in the Ar$e!!

I am new to the aquarium world and also want a planted Discus aquarium. There are some sites that claim discus need subdued lighting and other sites say that is a fallacy. I am currently looking at the following potentials (I have a 55 gallon tank, 48" long) which includes shipping.

All-Glass Aquarium Twin Tube Strip Lites $100 this is 80 watts (through amazon)
this is what the Aquarium shop boss (who was in a big rush) mentioned to me. Get one white and one blue light; whatever that means

All-Glass Aquarium Triple Tube Strip Lites $130; uses T8 fluoro tubes
I'll probably get this

260W JBJ 48"JBJ Pc AQUARIUM LIGHTING PL-JG3-41 $220 (I think e-bay)
this might be overkill, but am still considering it.

48" PC Power Compact Aquarium CF Lighting 260W Odyssea $133 ebay
this sounded great, but reviews for it claimed poor quality.

Let me know what you end up deciding upon.

The light level will depend very much on what you want to achieve from the tank, if you want a slow growing collection of easy care plants jus tto add to the tank then aim for around 1 - 1.5WPG (Watts aper gallon), if you want a tnak with plants that grow fast and that require a fair bit of work, then aim for over 1.5WPG.

Re bulsbs, the kep think to remember is to get full specturm one (sometimes called tri or quad-phospar). A T5 example would be the arcadia plant pro or the D&D midday or aquaflora tubes.

Thanks Sam,

I am after a slow growing tank just to make it look good and somewhere for the disxus to hide aswell. What substate whould i put done first and is it better to have sand or gravel for them?/

Cheers C
I dont think discus care what the substrate is so the choice is yours. The only substrate I would avoid is eco-complete, as it raises the GH and KH of the tank which I would think the discus, being soft water species, wont appreciate.

If you want either sand or gravel on top then the tropica plant substrate would be idea and it gets very good reviews.


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