Lighting Question


New Member
Jul 15, 2007
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I started a thread about my plants that has turned into lighting so i though id start a thread in here.

I have a tank thats 24" x 24" x 12" (Not too sure what size it is gallons wise i think 29?)
Now i have 2 2 foot lights on top with i think 18w tubes but my plants arnt growing too well and i was thining of upping my lighting but not sure what lights i should buy. I dont have a hood on my tank or the money to build so it would be hard for me to make a light fixture. Or maybe there is?

I have been looking through ebay and cant decide between these 2 lights and any opinions would be great.;rd=1&rd=1


Is it possible to put the power compacts straight onto the glass?
I'd use the PC fixture if it's for a planted tank. They're well suited to that. And don't set them straight on thin glass unless you want to be picking glass shards out of the tank ;). That unit comes with legs that grab the side of the tank so you should be all set with mounting.
I agree i 'll go for the pc compact the second link. + it has way more watts if your looking to plant . just watch the algae.

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