I've never used any other type of filter in my life. They're easy, quick and they work.
Hang-On filters hang on the back of your tank aand suck out water through a U-shaped tube. Inside the filter chassis, there is a sealed electromaagnetic motor that spins a little propeller called an impeller. This spins the water, and cetrifugial force makes the water leve the impeller, which creates a vacuum, sucking in new water through the tube. The water now travels into a lrger compartment where filter stuffs is contained, flows through the filter stuffs and down a little 'slide" into your tank.
Simple and straightfoward, exactly what a begginer needs, right?
My question is below:
Hang-On filters hang on the back of your tank aand suck out water through a U-shaped tube. Inside the filter chassis, there is a sealed electromaagnetic motor that spins a little propeller called an impeller. This spins the water, and cetrifugial force makes the water leve the impeller, which creates a vacuum, sucking in new water through the tube. The water now travels into a lrger compartment where filter stuffs is contained, flows through the filter stuffs and down a little 'slide" into your tank.
Simple and straightfoward, exactly what a begginer needs, right?
My question is below: