Lighting For Plants


Fish Crazy
Jul 26, 2005
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Hi All

I have a question regarding lighting and the use of CO2, I did have a topic but have managed to lose it.

I have a 29G tank 2 15W bulbs so 1WPG in my tank, how much difference do the relectors have on lighting as I have 2 on each bulb. If I added another 15W bulb is this going to make much difference? I have 2 CO2 units, would it be better to have just 1 or keep the 2.

I did have 6 Amazons, I thought I had 4 but was told I should take some out, I have taken 3 out, never realised the roots would grow so much, thought they would lift everything luckly they did not. I now have 3 in the tank, have a corner tank, one in each corner, not as much light.

A side issue is that the tank looks quite bare, would people recommend getting several varities of plant or maybe 1-2 of the same.

I am pretty new to planting as my bigger tank I have just let Vallis grow which has been great really, do not have to deal with them other than pruning.

hi there dave ! i hope you have browsed thru the pinned articles in the main planted tank section page :) it provides more then enough information that you will need.

Anyway regarding the reflectors, IMHO reflectors are a must! but do not be fooled that they will actually double the lighting output of the lamps etc etc, it only reflects more light down into the tank, thus making the lighting more efficient! :) an additional 15 watt bulb might help but if you are going to go heavily planted it would be a good idea to plan for additional lighting or look for low light plants.

Regarding the c02 i would suggest only one but wait it depends on what c02 unit you are using and how you are diffusing it into the tank. Co2 would only be very usefull if a substantial amount of light is present.

Honestly i recommend getting more of a few kinds of plants.

Hope this helps !

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