Lighting, fertilizer, and weird looking stuff


Fish Herder
Mar 2, 2004
Reaction score
Massachusetts, USA
OK OK OK so its a corney topic! LOL

Actually I do have a question,
This weekend the plants I bought from E-bay, came in and I planted them in my 10 gallon tank.
They were 1 anacharis, 1 cabomba, 1 horwhort, and 1 lloydiella. Well the cabomba was shredded to peices upon arrival, and the hornwhort shredded down to nothing yesterday afternoon.
So now I only have the anacharis and lloydiella.

I have two 10 watt flourescent bulbs in the tank with makes it 2 watts per gallon. Is this enough lighting?

Also, I am debating whether or not to stop at the store and buy some fertilizer tablets. SHould I or shouldn't i?

and last: ever since I put in the plants there is beigish flecks of something all over the plants and the glass of the aquarium. Does anyone know what it could be?

2 Watts per gallon of full spectrum light is "medium" lighting. Cabomba and what you are calling "lloydiella", actually Lysimachia nummularia both demand high light levels, 3.5 - 4 Watts per gallon.

Hornwort and Ancharis should do okay in there. I'd wait and see. You don't really need fertiliser at that light level and with regular water changes.

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